Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hello and welcome to another wonderful week here at Whitehead Elementary School!

This week's spelling words are as follows:

Group #1: can, is, she, will, come, it, so, with, could and just.

Group #2:  doesn't, it's, right, vacation, you've, don't, its, said, very and a lot.

Bonus word for both groups: monotone (noun) When you speak in a monotone, you don't use any expression in your voice.

On Thursday, November, 24, 2011, Denise needs to be away with the bus for the entire day.  She is asking that parents make alternate arrangements to get their child to and from school.  If  you need help making arrangements please call the school at 662-7031.  Thursday is also early dismissal, K-2 dismisses at 2:00p.m.; 3-5 at 2:20p.m.  Please let us know who will be picking your child up at the end of the day.

This is also PINK WEEK at both GMCS and WHES.  Stand up and STOP bullying. 

We will also be travelling to GMCS on Friday for library, reading buddies, and to participate in some Pink Week activities.

Have a great week! :)